Our IHK-certified corporate detectives and private detectives in Detmold investigate cases of great variety: violation of sick pay and false claims for expenses, property crimes and prohibited additional occupation, all of which potentially cause damage to a company; further, marital infidelity, stalking, maintenance and custody battle to the detriment of private persons. We will gladly investigate your case, too: +49 521 2567 0055.
Not convinced yet? Have a look at our references!
Counting 74,817 inhabitants (2015), Detmold is the largest city in the district of Lippe and it belongs to the region of East Westphalia. This medium-sized town may not be of the same cultural and economic significance as Dortmund, Hannover, Cologne or Düsseldorf but it is known nationwide for its Hermannsdenkmal (Hermann Monument) located in the South of the city (close to Hiddesen). The Hermannsdenkmal is the biggest monument in Germany and until the construction of the Statue of Liberty, it was/is even the biggest monument in the Western world. The old town, the Westphalian Open-air Museum, the Landestheater Detmold which counts as Europe's largest touring theatre, having also performed in Belgium, Luxembourg as well as Switzerland, and the Fürstliche Residenzschloss (Princely Residence Castle Detmold) from the 16th century contribute to Detmold's charm.
Our private investigators in Detmold operate for clients from Germany and abroad. Through discrete and legally sound surveillance, they will investigate your case if you, for example, suspect your partner of infidelity or if you suspect your ex-partner of providing a false income statement in the phase of calculating spousal maintenance or child support. We also trace addresses (of a business partner, debtor, family member, and more), locate victims of child abduction, and investigate when you suspect an adolescent of drug-related crimes. Not bound to Detmold, our detective agency in Detmold can also investigate on a nation-wide or even worldwide scale if required. Our team of investigators will gladly advise you on your specific case. Please, send us a message via our contact form with your request or give us a non-binding call.
Detmold's economy largely focusses on electrical engineering, woodworking, the chemical industry and mechanical engineering. In 2014, 30,826 of the city's inhabitants were employed and thus subject to social insurance contributions. Naturally, employers wish for loyal employees but when it comes to applicants, they have to rely on the statements of the applicant's referees. To rule out subsequent unpleasant surprises, our professional private investigators in Detmold will help you choose the right applicant by executing meticulous background checks. Further, we will investigate if you, for example, suspect an employee of inappropriate behaviour: perhaps s/he is conspicuously often on sick leave, claims extremely high expenses or pursues an additional occupation without permission.
Damages caused by third parties, such as warehouse thievery and cargo theft, burglary or theft of company data and secrets, can be prevented with appropriate security arrangements. We will gladly inform you extensively about our wide range of options to secure your company premises or to support you in case of damage. Physical and virtual traces allow our investigators to identify and locate the offender and to secure the stolen goods in the majority of cases. Needless to say, our certified corporate detectives in Detmold always work discreetly, for self-explanatory reasons, including to avoid reputational damage for a company which is, otherwise, hard to prevent once the delicts against a company are released to the public. At the end of our investigation, we will provide you with a valid investigation report which you are free to use as you please. We will gladly advise you on your specific case in a non-binding informational interview +49 521 2567 0055.
Detmold Castle
*Please note: All operations of Kurtz Investigations Bielefeld are executed and billed from the Otto-Brenner-Straße in Bielefeld. The other operating cities and regions advertised on this domain are neither local branches nor permanent establishments of the Kurtz Detective Agency, if not explicitly stated differently. We can offer you affordable traveling expense flat-rates nationwide. The same applies for traveling to a wide range of areas abroad. When operating in the countryside, the cost evaluation starts from the next greater city. You can find further information on our fees here, and on operating areas here.
Kurtz Detektei Bielefeld
Herforder Straße 69
33602 Bielefeld
Tel.: 0521 2567 0055
Montag-Freitag: 08:00-20:00
*Hinweis: Alle Einsätze der Kurtz Detektei Bielefeld und Ostwestfalen werden von der Herforder Straße in Bielefeld aus durchgeführt und berechnet. Bei anderen auf dieser Domain beworbenen Einsatzorten oder -regionen handelt es sich weder um örtliche Niederlassungen noch um Betriebsstätten der Kurtz Detektei Bielefeld, sofern nicht explizit anders ausgewiesen. Wir können Ihnen bundesweit günstige Anfahrtspauschalen bieten, Gleiches gilt für zahlreiche Regionen im Ausland. In ländlichen Gebieten erfolgt die Berechnung in der Regel von der nächstgrößeren Stadt. Weitere Informationen zu den Honoraren finden Sie hier und zu den Einsatzorten hier.
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